How to Buy a Small Business or Sell One: A Procedures Manual
This book presents a comprehensive eleven step, detailed procedure for buying or selling a service business. Purchasers learn how to identify legitimate, profit-making enterprises with potential and how to avoid being duped by an unscrupulous operator's tactics and tricks. Sellers are shown how to present their business in the best possible light and sell for the maximum value and return on their investment of time and money.
56 pages
Binding: Comb
56 pages
Binding: Comb
Our price: $67.00
How to Clean Windows Like The Pros
The first-book-of-its-kind book is filled with practical bidding advice and pieces of information that most window cleaners and janitorial companies may take for granted. Highlights of the book include the following: A list of questions one should ask when bidding, a breakdown of the different methods of bidding each type of window cleaning, and a look at the bidding philosophies that create profitable companies or send them into ruin
Our price: $20.00
How To Close A Sale Part I
This video presents the six basic steps in making an effective sales call and closing the sale. It discusses such things as warm-up, explaining features, creating and testing interest, showing third party proof, and providing a variety of closing strategies.
Length: 16 minutes
Length: 16 minutes
Our price: $150.00
How To Close A Sale Part II
This video discusses customer appointments and how to present a clean image to prospects. It covers information packets, use of the telephone and audio-visuals to sell, and what prospects to expect from contract cleaners. Sound advice on your image is provided, as well as tips on how to build confidence in your sales ability.
Length: 15 minutes
Length: 15 minutes
Our price: $150.00
How to Earn $15 to $50 an Hour with a Pick-Up Truck or Van
If you own a truck or van, you can be earning money within a few days. Essential reading for the unemployed or the under employed who seek a fascinating and surprisingly profitable alternative method of earning a living.This book explains the steps necessary for setting up a business with no additional capital investment or experience. Included are rate charts, sample ads, practical tips, and much sound workable advice.
128 pages
Binding: Paper
128 pages
Binding: Paper
Our price: $21.00
How To Find and Keep Qualified Employees
An Hour with Wm R. Griffin, Live From Seattle
There are few more difficult yet valuable challenges than finding qualified employees and keeping them. This video helps managers, supervisors and business owners develop this necessary and all-important skill. Provided are practical tips from Mr. Griffin's years of experience as a consultant in the cleaning industry. Ideal for supervisory training.
Length: 60 minutes
There are few more difficult yet valuable challenges than finding qualified employees and keeping them. This video helps managers, supervisors and business owners develop this necessary and all-important skill. Provided are practical tips from Mr. Griffin's years of experience as a consultant in the cleaning industry. Ideal for supervisory training.
Length: 60 minutes
Our price: $65.00
How To Get What You Want from Your Life and Business
An Hour with Wm R. Griffin, Live From Seattle
Do you want more fulfillment, happiness and income from your life and business? Are you trapped by circumstances instead? This video helps you understand the difference between success and failure. Take control of your life by setting goals, organizing your time, focusing on clear objectives and success will follow.
A great tape for those who want and need to do better.
Length: 60 minutes
Do you want more fulfillment, happiness and income from your life and business? Are you trapped by circumstances instead? This video helps you understand the difference between success and failure. Take control of your life by setting goals, organizing your time, focusing on clear objectives and success will follow.
A great tape for those who want and need to do better.
Length: 60 minutes
Our price: $65.00
How To Improve Yourself
A Conversation with Ed Feldman
Personal success begins with yourself and cannot be accomplished without self confidence. We have all heard these catch phrases: now there is practical, down to earth advice on how to develop this elusive self confidence. In this interview, Ed Feldman describes the practices he has used to overcome his own battles with a fear of public speaking.
Length: 60 minutes
Personal success begins with yourself and cannot be accomplished without self confidence. We have all heard these catch phrases: now there is practical, down to earth advice on how to develop this elusive self confidence. In this interview, Ed Feldman describes the practices he has used to overcome his own battles with a fear of public speaking.
Length: 60 minutes
Our price: $65.00
How to Sell & Price Contract Cleaning
This 900 page reference manual is packed full of sound business advice to help you put together a winning proposal and a competitive bid for cleaning services. This book includes bid estimate sheets, time and production standards, supply usage charts, blank forms, job specifications, legal contracts, and markup tables for labor, products and supplies. This nuts and bolts guide is ideal for building owners, property managers and contract cleaners dealing with all types and sizes of properties.
900 pages
Binding: Paper
900 pages
Binding: Paper
Our price: $109.00
How to Start a Corporation Without a Lawyer, for Under $75
This book shows you how you can start your own corporation in any state, without expensive legal fees or leaving your home. Included are important step by step instructions plus all the forms needed to set up and keep the business legal.
108 pages
Binding: Paper
108 pages
Binding: Paper
Our price: $40.00